INDUSTRIALcharles42132019-08-31T00:12:06+00:00 Project Description CHALLENGING PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO We’ll put on a hard hat, fire-resistant clothing and a harness – then climb a ladder on the side of a furnace stack to get the shot you need. Industrial photography and video is one of our specialties. MORE FROM THE EPICYCLE MEDIAcharles42132019-08-30T21:35:23+00:00 VIDEO FOR BUSINESS VIDEO FOR BUSINESScharles42132019-08-30T23:57:33+00:00 EVENTS EVENTScharles42132019-08-31T23:14:04+00:00 NARRATIVE FILM NARRATIVE FILMcharles42132019-08-30T23:50:40+00:00 AERIAL AERIALcharles42132019-08-31T00:04:03+00:00 PEOPLE PEOPLE