LIFESTYLEcharles42132019-08-31T00:17:13+00:00 Project Description A LIFESTYLE PORTRAIT IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT Lifestyle imagery takes us out of the studio environment to where you live, work and play. Lighting and locations provide additional challenges to capturing the best images…challenge accepted. MORE FROM THE AVADA COLLECTIONcharles42132019-08-30T21:35:23+00:00 VIDEO FOR BUSINESS VIDEO FOR BUSINESScharles42132019-08-30T23:57:33+00:00 EVENTS EVENTScharles42132019-08-31T23:14:04+00:00 NARRATIVE FILM NARRATIVE FILMcharles42132019-08-30T23:50:40+00:00 AERIAL AERIALcharles42132019-08-31T00:04:03+00:00 PEOPLE PEOPLE